

英漢字典: get away

1. get loose or get free; escape 掙脫;逃脫

    Mary tried to catch a butterfly,but it got away from her. 瑪麗設法捉一只蝴蝶,但它掙脫飛走了。

    One of the prisoners got away from prison yesterday. 昨天一個囚犯從監獄中逃走了。

    The thief got away with a lot of money. 小偷偷了一大筆錢逃跑了。

2. leave 離開

    I hope to get away next Saturday for at least a week. 我希望從下週六開始至少要離開一週。

    They get away from work at five p. m. 他們下午5點下班。

    The guard told me to get away from the door. 衛兵要我離開那門口。

3. succeed in leaving;go away in order to gain relief from(one's worries, responsibility, excessive work,etc. )脫身;離開以解脫(自己的苦惱、責任、繁忙的工作等)

    No matter how he tried, he couldn't get away from his worries. 無論他怎樣努力,也無法從煩惱中解脫出來。

    The manager was so busy that he could not get away from the office. 經理太忙了,一步也離不開辦公室。

    She is such a talker!I couldn't get away from her. 她講個沒完沒了,我簡直無法脫身。

    He didn't come because he couldn't get away from his work. 他沒有來,因為工作脫不開身。

4. begin;start 開始;出發

    The race got away to a fast start. 比賽的選手一開始就很迅速。

    We got away early in the morning on the first day of our travel. 旅行開始的第一天,我們一清早就動身了。

get away

1 逃走

Two of the prisoners got away.


2 離開; 出發

I'm too busy to ~.


3 出外度假等

I hope to ~ next Monday for at least a week.


4 起跑

The race got away to a fast start.


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